
Iridescent White | Matisse acrylic paint

  • 化学物質の概要:酸化チタン、チタン酸マイカをブレンドした真珠光沢顔料
  • 顔料番号:PW6 + チタン酸マイカ
  • 耐光性評価:テストされていません
  • 顔料の不透明度:不透明
  • 絵の具の不透明度: 不透明
  • シリーズ4
イリディセント・ホワイト | マティス・アクリル絵具

Iridescent White | Matisse acrylic paint

The Origin of Iridescent Pigments

Iridescent pigments began with automotive paint chemists in the 1970s, who sought unique colors for specific car models. The breakthrough came with the development of Mica Titanates, a significant advancement from earlier experiments. Initially, simple mica crushing led to unstable paint films, but Mica Titanates provided a solution, offering durable colors.

The Impact on Art

The introduction of Mica Titanates brought more than just metallic shades. The development of the pearly white version transformed these pigments into invaluable tools for artists. Iridescence, a quality found abundantly in nature—such as in butterfly wings, bird feathers, and sunlight reflecting off water—can now be captured in art.

Exploring Iridescence in Art

Artists can achieve iridescence by adding マティス・イリディセント・メディウム  to any color or using pearly Iridescent White for mixing. This effect can enhance the depiction of metals, glass, and plastics, and is especially effective in various landscape scenarios. Imagine the sparkle in a fountain, reflections in windows, salty spray at the seaside, or rain illuminated by streetlights.

The potential for creative exploration with iridescent pigments is vast, offering endless opportunities to capture the unique shimmer and depth found in both natural and man-made objects.

Safety Data Sheet for Matisse Iridescent White (SDS)

To view or download a copy of Iridescent White SDS, please  CLICK HERE * (271kb)  
*The above link will open an external Dropbox window 


STRUCTURE • 75ml • 250ml • 500ml 
FLOW • 75ml • 500ml • 1L

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